Thief Of Sorrows By Kristen M. Long Free PDF

Thief Of Sorrows By Kristen M. Long Free PDF

Thief Of Sorrows By Kristen M. Long Free PDF download-ebook

What if Robin Hood were a woman? A woman who stole from the wealthy, and then killed them too? Isolde is not a damsel who needs saving. Isolde Cotheran, the heir of Thornwood, assumes the identity of the Hood, an evil outlaw. The Hood leads an army of thieves and assassins who steal and punish those lords of Arnoria that do not listen to her warning: Abuse human beings and you will pay for it. In a world of hierarchy, where life and death are at stake, humans serve Isolde’s Virya kind as slaves. The Virya is a race blessed by the gods, with the power to change into animals or control the elements.

Thief Of Sorrows By Kristen M. Long

Details Of Thief Of Sorrows

AUTHORKristen M Long
TITLEThief Of Sorrows

Thief Of Sorrows Description

Isolde is not a damsel who needs saving. She is the heir of Thornwood Manor and its lands. She is the Hood by night. A brutal outlaw, she leads a group of assassins and thieves whose mission is to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. Isolde's brutal killing of a lord forces two men into her life. Liam is the handsome Captain of the Guard who was shunned by Thornwood because he joined the army of the evil king. Gage is the right hand of the king and the murderer of Isolde’s first love.

About Author

Kristen started her writing career at age 18. Thief Of Sorrows is the first novel that she ever thought of writing. She will always cherish it and all the characters. One character in particular. When it comes to inspiration, music is the biggest influence. Her Spotify playlist is dominated by the scores of Lord of the Rings and Star Wars, mainly episodes I and 3.

Fantasy romance and epic fantasies are her favorite genres. She also dabbles in vampire lore. She loves to create characters and worlds that live in the hearts of her readers and become an integral part of their daily lives. With every book she writes, her aim is to leave an impression on readers. Remind them that they're not alone.

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