Collection of Vehicle Related Parivahan RTO Forms in PDF Format

Anas Ibn Yousuf

Anas Ibn Yousuf


Here we are proving you with the Collection of Indian Vehicle Related Parivahan RTO Forms in PDF Format, So everyone can easily download the required forms. All Indian Vehicle now comes under the Parivahan website under the Road transport organization (RTO).  RTO or Regional transport office is a state-owned organization that is responsible for the management of the driver database and vehicles for all states of India. The main functions of an RTO comprise:

Collection of Vehicle Related Parivahan RTO Forms in PDF Format
  • Issues driving license.
  • Coordinating and managing the collection of excise duty for vehicles.
  • Offering personalized registrations.
  • Inspection of the insurance coverage of the vehicle and emissions test.

The government has created an RTO forms list to assist applicants in identifying the information and inputs that they must provide to the RTO. The RTO form list is separated into two sections: one for driving licenses and one for car registration.

The government has released the RTO forms list to aid the applicant in identifying details and inputs that they must submit in order to be able to submit the RTO. Its checklist of RTO forms is split into two types: one for driving licenses and the other one for registration of vehicles. The specifics of the different kinds of forms are listed below:

Download All types of RTO Forms in PDF

S.NoForm CategoryForm NoDescription
1Driving LicenseForm 1AMedical Certificate
2Driving LicenseForm 2Form of Application for Learner’s License /Driving License / Addition of a New Class of Vehicle/Renewal of Driving License/Change of Address Or Name
3Driving LicenseForm 3Learner’s Licence
4Driving LicenseForm 4AForm of Application for issue of international driving permit to drive a motor vehicle in other countries
5Driving LicenseForm 5Driving Certificate issued by Driving School of Establishments
 Driving LicenseForm 5ACertificate of fuel efficient driving training issued by driving school or establishment
 Driving LicenseForm 5BDriving certificate issued by accredited driving training center
6Driving LicenseForm 6AInternational Driving Permit
7Driving LicenseForm 7Form for Driving Licence (Laminated / Smart Card Type)
8Driving LicenseForm 8Form of Application for permanent surrender of Class or Classes of vehicles from Driving License
10Driving LicenseForm 10State Register of Driving Licence
 Driving LicenseForm 10AForm of national register of driving licenses
11Driving LicenseForm 11Form of Licence for the Establishment of a Motor Driving School
 Driving LicenseForm 11AAccreditation for driver training center
12Driving LicenseForm 12Form of Application for a Licence to Engage in the Business of Imparting Instructions in Driving of Motor Vehicles
 Driving LicenseForm 12AApplication for accreditation of driver training center
13Driving LicenseForm 13Form of Application for Renewing a Licence to Engage in the Business of Imparting Instructions in Driving of Motor Vehicles
 Driving LicenseForm 13AApplication to renew accreditation of driver training center
14Driving LicenseForm 14Register showing the Enrolment of Trainee(s) in the Driving School Establishments
15Driving LicenseForm 15Register Showing the Driving Hours spent by a Trainee
16Motor vehicles Dealer RelatedForm 16Form of Application for Grant or Renewal of Trade Certificate
17Motor vehicles Dealer RelatedForm 17Form of Trade Certificate
18Motor vehicles Dealer RelatedForm 18Intimation of Loss of Destruction of a Trade Certificate and Application for Duplicate
19Motor vehicles Dealer RelatedForm 19Register to be maintained by the Holder of Trade Certificate
20Vehicles RelatedForm 20Application for Registration of a Motor Vehicle
20Vehicles RelatedForm 20BApplication for extension of period of temporary registration
21Vehicles RelatedForm 21Sale Certificate
22Vehicles RelatedForm 22Certificate Road-Worthiness
 Vehicles RelatedForm 22 ACertificate of Compliance with Pollution Standards, Safety Standards of Components and Road Worthiness (for Vehicles where body is Fabricated Separately)
 Vehicles RelatedForm 22 BInitial self-certificate of compliance of the bus body built on drive away chassis by the bus body builder to the provisions of the Code and Practice for Bus Body Design
 Vehicles RelatedForm 22 CRequest and permission for alteration / Retrofitment/ adaptation
 Vehicles RelatedForm 22 DEndorsement of alteration / Retrofitment
 Vehicles RelatedForm 22 ERequest for endorsement of adaptation
 Vehicles RelatedForm 22 FCompliance report for alternation/Retrofitment
 Vehicles RelatedForm 22 GCompliance report for adaptation of motor vehicle
23 Vehicles RelatedForm 23 ACertificate or Registration (in Electronic Medium as Smart Card, etc.)
 Vehicles RelatedForm 23 BTemporary certificate of registration
24Vehicles RelatedForm 24Registration of Motor Vehicle
25Vehicles RelatedForm 25Form of Application for Renewal of certificate of Registration of Motor Vehicle, other than a Transport Vehicle
26Vehicles RelatedForm 26Application for the Issue of Duplicate Certificate of Registration
27Vehicles RelatedForm 27Application for Assignment of New Registration Mark to a Motor Vehicle
28Vehicles RelatedForm 28Application and Grant of No Objection Certificate
29Vehicles RelatedForm 29Notice of Transport of Ownership of a Motor Vehicle
30Vehicles RelatedForm 30Application for Intimation and Transfer of Ownership of a Motor vehicle
31Vehicles RelatedForm 31Application for Transfer of Ownership in the Name of the person Succeeding to the Possession of the Vehicle
32Vehicles RelatedForm 32Application for Transfer of Ownership in case of a Motor Vehicle Purchased or Acquired in Public Auction
33Vehicles RelatedForm 33Intimation of Chang of Address Recording in the Certificate of Registration and Office Record
34Vehicles RelatedForm 34Application for Making an Entry of an Agreement of Hire-Purchase / Lease / Hypothecation Subsequent to Registration
35Vehicles RelatedForm 35Notice of Termination of an Agreement of Hire-Purchase / Lease/ Hypothecation
36Vehicles RelatedForm 36Application for Issue of a Fresh Certificate of Registration in the Name of the Financer
37Vehicles RelatedForm 37Notice to the Registered Owner of the Motor Vehicle to Surrender The Certificate of Registered for Cancellation and issue of fresh Registration Certificate in the Name of the Financier.
38Vehicles RelatedForm 38Certificate of Fitness (Applicable in the case of Transport Vehicles only)
 Vehicles RelatedForm 38 AReport of Inspection
39Vehicles RelatedForm 39Form of Letter of Authority issued to an Authorised Testing Station
40Vehicles RelatedForm 40Application Form for Grant or Renewal of letter of authority
41Vehicles RelatedForm 41State Register of Motor Vehicles
42Vehicles RelatedForm 42Form of Application for Registration of Motor Vehicle by or on Behalf of a Diplomatic/Consular Officer
43Vehicles RelatedForm 43Certificate of Registration of a Motor Vehicle belonging to a Diplomatic of Consular Officer
44Vehicles RelatedForm 44Intimation of Changes of State of Residence and application for Assignment of Fresh Registration mark by or on behalf of a Diplomatic of Consular Officer
45Permit RelatedForm 45Application for Grant of Permit in Respect of Tourist Vehicle
46Permit RelatedForm 46Form of Application for Grant of Authorisation for Tourist Permit or national Permit
47Permit RelatedForm 47Authorisation for Tourist Permit or National Permit
48Permit RelatedForm 48Application for the Grant of National Permit
50Vehicles RelatedForm 50Bill of Lading
 Vehicle RecallForm 50AForm to be submitted by Investigating Officer to vehicle manufacturer or component manufacturer orimporter or retrofitter, as the case may be of a motor vehicle or component
 Vehicle RecallForm 50BForm to be submitted by Testing Agency to the Investigation Officer
 Vehicle RecallForm 50CForm to be submitted by Investigation Officer to the Central Government
51Vehicles RelatedForm 51Certificate of Insurance – See rule 141
52Vehicles RelatedForm 52Cover Note
53Vehicles RelatedForm 53Certificate in Respect of Exemption of Motor vehicle from Insurance
54Vehicles RelatedForm 54Accident Information Report
55Vehicles RelatedForm 55Application for the approval of a Foreign Insurer
56Vehicles RelatedForm 56Notice to cease to Act as Guarantor
57Vehicles RelatedForm 57Certificate for foreign Insurance
58Vehicles RelatedForm 58Endorsement on certificate of foreign Insurance
59Vehicles RelatedForm 59Pollution Under Control Certificate – [Refer rule 115(2)]
 Vehicles RelatedForm 59APollution Under Control – Rejection Slip – [Refer rule 115(2)]
60Vehicles RelatedForm 60Working Certificate [Refer rule 47(1) (ca)]
61Vehicles RelatedForm 61Form of preliminary registration certificate issued to an automated testing station
62Vehicles RelatedForm 62Form of registration certificate to be issued or renewed to an automated testing station
63Vehicles RelatedForm 63Application form for grant of preliminary registration certificate for automated testing station
64Vehicles RelatedForm 64Application form for grant or renewal of registration certificate for automated testing station
65Vehicles RelatedForm 65Application form for issue of duplicate preliminary registration certificate/registration certificate for automated testing station
66Vehicles RelatedForm 66Form for audit and assessment report of an automated testing station (Pre-commissioning)
67Vehicles RelatedForm 67Form for audit and assessment report of an automated testing station (During operations)
68Vehicles RelatedForm 68Application form for appeal against test result
 Vehicles RelatedForm A & BForms related to Recall Information
Anas Ibn Yousuf

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