Merit Scholarship for BPL Students : Students who are in their first year of high school are eligible to apply for the BPL scholarship right now. The amount of the scholarship would be Amount of Rs. 5000 per year. The selection process will be based entirely on the marks. Students in the BPL category students in the Higher Secondary the first year can submit an application.

Once they have been approved in the process, they will be eligible for the same scholarship in the following year, too. The students must however have attained a minimum.D+ across all subjects of their annual test.
Scholarship Category in Merit Scholarship for BPL Students
The Merit cum signifies BPL scholarship is distributed across three categories.
- General category
- SC/ST community
- Sports/Arts/Differently abled category
Selection Committee
A selection committee needs to be set up on a school level to determine the students who are worthy of consideration. The school-level selection committee is comprised of three members:
- Principal(Chairperson).
- Headmaster/Headmistress of the school
- PTA President
- Staff Secretary
- A representative of the teaching staff
One member of the group must be female.
Selection Criteria of Merit Scholarship for BPL Students
Students in the General category who are eligible to receive the scholarship must be selected by the school-level selection committee. The details and application of SC/ST Category students chosen for the scholarship must be sent to the Review Committee at the district level for their approval. for students in the Arts/Sports / differently abled categories, it must be sent by the Director for Higher Secondary Education.
The WGPA of grades given at the end of the 10th class is taken into consideration for admissibility. If there are multiple applicants with the same marks, those criteria must be taken into account when picking the candidate.Students whose parents are no more. Children of unwedded mothers. Candidates whose mother is a widow or legally separated or divorced or unwedded mother. Students whose father alone is alive. Candidates whose parents suffer from incurable diseases like cancer, heart ailments, and leprosy. TB, AIDS, Kidney ailments, stroke-related paralysis, and lunacy. Children of differently abled parents. Either the father or the mother engaged in any traditional industries like coir, cashew, beedi, handloom, pottery, brick or tile making industries, Match industries, etc. viii. Parents have no land or house of his/her own.
Download Application Form for Merit Scholarship for BPL Students ?
The school officials should inform the first-year High School secondary students about the BPL award. The Application format The information below is provided.
The aadhaar-connected bank account is compulsory for applicants. Applications received must be reviewed through the select committee, and the applicants selected should be informed. The amount of the scholarship will be added to the account of bank.