Make corrections in the SSLC book kerla

Anas Ibn Yousuf

Anas Ibn Yousuf


How to make corrections in the Kerala SSLC book

SSLC Book Correction :

The SSLC book is an important document about each individual. This is because the SSLC Book is an important deity that includes the person’s name, address, parental information, and caste. Therefore, even small mistakes in these can lead to bigger problems in the future. We can now correct many of the errors in your SSLC book. 

How to make corrections in the Kerala SSLC book

If you make mistakes like this and do not correct them, will face big problems in the future. Therefore, let us understand in detail what needs to be done and how to correct the errors in the SSLC book.


  • NAME OF APPLICANT change in SSLC book/ certificate
  • CASTE change in SSLC book/ certificate
  • NAME IN REGIONAL LANGUAGE change in SSLC book/ certificate
  • CATEGORY OF CASTE change in SSLC book/ certificate
  • NAME OF FATHER change in SSLC book/ certificate
  • RELIGION change in SSLC book/ certificate
  • NAME OF MOTHER change in SSLC book/ certificate
  • SEX change in SSLC book/ certificate
  • IDENTIFICATION MARKS change in SSLC book/ certificate

How to make the corrections in the SSLC Certificates?

The application for the correction of errors in the SSLC book should be made offline. An application form should be printed out, filled in, and submitted offline. For this, you have to send Pareeksha Bhavan a certificate issued by the Headmaster or Mistress of the school where you studied SSLC. 

Using this application you can edit 12 corrections.

This includes the 

  • Student’s name
  • Language
  • father’s name
  • mother’s name
  • identification mark
  •  place of birth
  •  caste
  •  religion
  • nationality 
  • address.

You can use the link to download on the Pareeksha Bhavan website to download the application. After downloading the application form from the site, fill in all the details like your name, father’s name, and mother’s name, and write down the SSLC register number and the year the exam was written. If you have any corrections in the SSLC book, you will have to pay a challan of Rs. 30 to correct it.

The challan required to rectify the error should be paid through the treasury or sub-treasury. The head of the account used for this is 0202-01-102-92.

How to change the date of birth In the SSLC book

If you want to change the date of birth given in your SSLC book, you

  • can only give what the birth certificate gives. 
  • Fill in a declaration form in which all the details like your name and address should be given. 
  • Minorities can use their parent’s information. 
  • A person over the age of 18 is required to provide his / her own name and signature on the declaration form.

If it is after 15 years to correct the mistakes

If it is after 15 years to correct the mistakes in the SSLC book then 

  • The government order has to be obtained. After filling all the forms properly
  • the required documents can be attached and sent to the examination center. 
  • If it is the date of birth that you need to correct, then submit the required documents such as Birth Certificate and Cast Certificate 

 How To Change cast correction in SSLC Book

  • If the cast of correction is required. 
  • The original certificate of the documents to be corrected and three copies attested by the Gazette Officer are required. 
  • It has to pay a challan of Rs 30 and submit its receipt along with the application. 
  • The address to which the application should be submitted is given below. 
  • You will receive a corrected certificate two months after submitting the application.
Joint commissioner
Pareeksha bhavan
Office of the Commissioner of Government examinations Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala-695 012,
Ph – 0471-254680

Download Application Form

Anas Ibn Yousuf

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